Contact Us

Contact Information


Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Opening and Closing of Account Local 6028 or
02- 84255938

0917-8149528 (viber ready)
Updating of Membership Records
Requests for Change in Savings Deductions
Death Benefit and/or Abuloy Claims


Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Loan Evaluation Local 6079 or
0917-8427698 (viber ready)
Loan Status Verification
Loan Inquiries
Request for Loan Computation
Request for Loan Disclosure Statement


Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Balance Inquiry on Deposits and Capital Local 8604 or
0998-9876238 (viber ready)
Deposits and Fund Transfer
Request for Statement of Account
Request for Certification of Deposits and Capital
Request for change in Automatic and Lump sum Transfers
Withdrawal for crediting to ATM

Billing and Collection

Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Balance Inquiry on Outstanding Loans Local 6076 or
0998-5397728 (viber ready)
Request for Billing Statement
Loan Payments
Issuance and Replenishment of Post-Dated Checks
Payroll Deductions
Co-maker(s) Information

Collateral Management and Admin Services

Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Coverage, renewal or claim of exsiting MRI /Fire / Comprehensive Insurance 02-84256736
Cancellation of Mortgage 02-84255942
Release of Chattel Mortgage, Title, OR/CR


Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Schedule for Business Orientation / Roadshow Local 8834
On-going Promotions
Events and Partnerships

Consumer Protection

Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Member Assistance 1622-6800
Feedback and Complaints local 6075 or 02-84255942

HR and Corporate Services

Type of InquiryContact Numbers
Career Opportunities local 6130 or 02-84256726

Inquiry Form

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